Branch Meeting held on 14 th October 2024
Branch Meeting. Monday 14 1h October 2024 at 1930 .Held at The Admiral Hardy Public House, Weymouth. Apologies: Eamon Symes, David Cornes, David Parsons, David and Janice Hearn, Clive and Lois Edwards, Ann Wearing, Chris Carr, Tom Pearce, Les Board, Alan Watts. Obituaries: Nil Minutes: Can be seen in Branch Website, Approved. Chairman: Welcome to new member Mike Fenwick,(Sharky). Membership approved. Rev. Dennis Mould has applied to rejoin the Branch. Approved. Trinity Gardens and St. Paul’s Cathedral attendance. Well done to all concerned. Future Events: Saturday 19 th November 2024. HMS Illustrious Memorial Service, Portland, near the “Boat that Rocks” cafeteria 11.45 for 12.00. Sunday 10 th October 2024. Remembrance Sunday. Muster at the Merchant Navy Memorial, at 1030 for 1100. Monday 11 th November 2024. Armistice Day Service at Dorchester County Hall, 1030 for 1100. The Branch has been invited to attend with Standards. For those who cannot attend Dorchester, there will be a Service at the Weymouth War Memorial on the seafront, 1030 for 1100. Gareth and Linda Peaston will attend Ferndown and West Moors Service. Treasurer: Main Account: £2,634.56 Card Account: £146.28 Holding for France 2025: £830.00 Total Funds Available: £1,950.84 Item 1: Les Board has officially been removed from NATWEST Banking as a Branch Signatory. Item 2: Our Public Liability Insurance for 2024/2025 has been paid off at a premium of £288.65. Item 3: Collection Pots: Could I ask all Members to keep an eye out for any of the Merchant Navy Collection pots around the town. Make a note of location and let me know their location Item 4: Can all Members put their “thinking caps” on, for ways of raising funds for our Branch. Item 5: Could I request David Hearn (Membership Secretary and Web Master), communicate items 3 & 4 as above to all Members. Welfare Officer: Eamon Symes has a full welfare care package and therapist and is doing well. He is still “housebound” and would appreciate a visit. Reminder to all Members, you may be entitled to Attendance Allowance and other benefits. The application forms can be a bit daunting, but we are lucky in that we have an excellent Age UK rep for our area who has assisted our members on previous applications. If you need help, please ask. Veterans Code Number for GP's records. You may qualify. Please ask National: AGM end of October. Funding request. (see AOB). AOB: It was agreed by Members attending that Raffle tickets will now be £2 a strip. This will help boost our Branch funds. It was discussed by Members attending to put forward a motion to increase Branch annual subs to £10 per annum. This will be decided on by a vote of Branch Members at the AGM. Reminder, if you haven't paid your subs, (which were due in May), please do it now. Our Branch is one of the most active nationally. When we attend the many Memorial events here and abroad we always lay a Merchant Navy Wreath, this is only right and proper and also reminds people of the part the Merchant Navy played in conflicts around the world. Our Branch bears the cost of providing these wreaths which at the time of writing cost £29 each. It is preposed to ask National for assistance towards the cost of wreaths. Next Meeting: Monday 11 th November 2024. Meeting Closed: 2040