Branch Meeting held on 10 th June 2024
Branch Meeting. Monday 8 th July 2024 at 1930 .Held at The Admiral Hardy Public House, Weymouth. Apologies: Eamon Symes, Michelle and Lyndon, David Hearn, Chris Carr, Lyda Newman, Clive and Lois Edwards, Alvin Hopper. Minutes: June 2024 approved Chairman: France 2024 was a resounding success. Thank you to everyone involved. Letter to RBL, details as per e-mail. Forthcoming Events:- Sea Sunday, 0930, Sunday 14 th July, All Saint's Church, Wyke Regis. Muster 0900. Standards in attendance, full MNA Rig or Uniform. Saturday 27 th July,1200, Korean War Memorial Day, Korean War Memorial Plaque, Weymouth Esplanade. Details to be confirmed. Standards in attendance, Full MNA Rig or Uniform. Merchant Navy Day, Battle of Britain Day, Trafalgar Day Service, Exeter Cathedral, further details later. Treasurer: Main Account:- £2,933.01 Debit Account:- £345. 09 Tonight's Raffle:- £30 Receipts and Payments May 2023 – April 2024:- Available via handout on request. Branch Yearly Subs £5, were due in May, if you haven't paid, please do so . Welfare Officer: Seafarer in distress, The Veteran's HUB, Weymouth, informed us of a Merchant Seaman in difficulties abroad. Unfortunately it was beyond our Branch resources to be able to help, but we passed on details to organisations able to assist. Eamon Symes is in Westhaven Hospital, but is in isolation. He would appreciate visitors, but be aware you do have to wear apron and gloves during your visit, and not recommended if you are vulnerable health wise. Betty Port, (our “Bish”), is recovering slowly and hopes to see us at the Sea Sunday Service. Chrissie Payne laid a wreath provided by “Cooperman”, on Tony Cash's grave. Various items of Tony's have been donated to the Branch by his family. These include “walkers” etc. and are available from Chrissie, should they be needed, on request. Chrissie, herself, will be having a spell in hospital in August. Further details later. National: An update will be forthcoming at the next meeting. AOB: John and Rose Bowditch were away cruising during the D Day celebrations, but reports that a memorial service was held aboard the Fred Olson Cruise Ship. Next Meeting: Monday 10 th June 2024. Meeting Closed: 2020